process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '

process detail, '
Process photos depicting the adding of matchstick burn marks, candle wax drippings, and the sewing of fabrics.

candlewax painting process, photo by Thato Motobi

candlewax painting process, photo by Thato Motobi

candlewax painting process, photo by Thato Motobi

'Dog eat dog', Panel 1 (2024)

'Dog eat dog', Panel 2 (2024)

'Dog eat dog', detail

'Dog eat dog', detail

'Dog eat dog', detail
Dog eat dog
Mixed media
730 x 1000 mm
" Dog eat dog is a mixed media piece that depicts my self-reflection through an existentialist lens. I aim to convey a conversation between the two panels; a letter and a reaction. The letter is to myself written in wax. The use of wax is that of preservation and sealing, but when implemented onto wax paper which is then embroidered and stitched, the wax often peels and falls off. Thus, resulting in a push and pull of wanting to preserve what I have reflected on yet knowing parts will be lost.
This letter is then mimicked on the reaction side. In using burn marks indicative of sacrifice and wax as a preservative, the reflective nature of the writing is lost yet also conserved in areas. In my rumination of my past actions and experiences, I implement motifs that I identify with - the bull and the hound. Through this implementation, obstinance is met with the ruthless nature of change that is necessary for self-growth, respectively.
These motifs are obscured in the physical layering process. Through these layers of wax papers that eclipse the burn marks and drawings underneath, mimicking the process of growth as pieces are left behind and built-upon. In suturing together the different elements - the different aspects of the self - one mends and preserves. As these processes are used they leave traces behind, often concealing past processes or destroying, creating a constantly changing landscape as more layers are added. "